Jacqueline's New CD Release

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If you would like to see the inside of Jacqueline's album, click on the thumbnails.

Please feel free to listen to a song sample by clicking on the PLAY button.
1. The Seal Maiden (Sample Length - 0:58) (CD Length - 7:12)
A traditional Scottish folktale from the Hebrides with original music
and the traditional pieces "The Great Silkie" and "Fairy Love Song".
2. The White Trout (Sample Length - 0:59) (CD Length - 11:34)
A tale cong; traditional Irish folktale with traditional pieces including
the "Caves of Cong", "King of the Fairies", and the "The Chanters Tune".
3. Bedd Gellert (Sample Length -0:59) (CD Length - 7:48)
A traditional Welch folktale with traditional pieces including "The Delight
of Meirionydd", "Bye Baby Bunting", and "Cningc Llywelyn".
4. A Meiga E O Pescador (Sample Length -0:59) (CD Length - 18:10)
A traditional Spanish folktale from Galicia, Spain with Galician pieces
"A Bruxa" by Antón Seoane and the tradition piece "O Cantar do

If you would like to purchase "Tales From the Ends of the Earth & Beyant", please click on the PayPal button below.
Or if you prefer to use a payment method other than PayPal, please contact Jacqueline by phone or e-mail.

To contact Jacqueline please call (510) 715-3537 (cell).

You can also e-mail her at bluefairystoryteller@yahoo.com or by clicking here if you have an e-mail client.

Click here to return to Jacqueline's homepage.